Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Summerville's Final Third Thursday Topped Off A Successful Year With One Farewell Party

Shopping crowds at Piazza
I had a busy day. The afternoon past by quickly. It was now the hour of five. The final Third Thursday of 2012 was beginning. I drove past Hutchinson Square with one more appointment to fulfill. From appearances, the evening started out with a decent size crowd milling around the streets of downtown Summerville, but rain was in the forecast and it didn't fail to materialize.

By the time I arrived back in Summerville, the raindrops were lightly descending at a steady rate. I would soon regrettably discover the 100% Moreno wool, argyle sweater I was wearing didn't take to rain very well, which became more apparent as the evening progressed. I made a quick stop at Downtown Crossing on Short Central. Sarah was serving up punch and snacks. "We had to abandon our table outside because of the rain," Jewel informed me. Many of the businesses had parties planned and were offering huge discounts.
Sarah serving a young customer

Jewel and a friend
Bill and friends

With the anticipated rain, the Summers were prepared for such an eventuality. Bill erected a canopy over a portion of the front courtyard outside of the shop's entrance to keep their patrons dry while sharing a draft beer supplied by Madra Rua. Providing refreshments for the shopping crowd had been a long time Third Thursday tradition for Aura Lee's, along with Chelsea providing the musical entertainment. This particular night would be bittersweet. It would sadly be the last Third Thursday for Aura Lee's Jewelry, Handbags and Accessories. The little shop with a huge following would be opening its doors for the last time. The ensuing rain cancelled the music but did very little in dampening the enthusiasm of friends stopping by to share in the celebration of a successful venture and others taking advantage of the 50% off sale. I drank a beer and shared a few laughs under the canopy. The festive, blue sign will be missed in the coming year.
Accent on Wine

By now, festivities were winding down and most of the remaining crowd had retreated to the indoors-O'lacy's Pub, Montreux, and Accent on Wine the benefactors. The Fezziwig Party was beginning at Art and Soul. I stopped in to get some quick pictures and catch some of the storytelling of Tim Lowry.

I ventured back out into the rain with one more stop to go. My cranberry, argyle sweater now smelled like a wet puppy. I headed over to Coastal Coffee Roasters in my truck to close out the evening. It was a good choice. Danny Trump, owner of Amazing Cheesecakes, treated me to a candy cane-mint cheesecake, which I took home and ate while watching the holiday reruns on AMC and FX.
Coastal Coffee Roasters open mic night
The final Third Thursday of 2012 was in the books. It was a satisfying conclusion to a successful year for the locally owned businesses of Summerville, and thanks to Summerville DREAM, the Third Thursday event had played an integral part. 2013 will welcome two new businesses to Summerville-Carolina Cottage Consignments opening in January and Homegrown Brew House in February. It has been a privilege meeting many of the local business owners through the course of the year and I look forward to our continued collaboration to make Summerville a great community to live in and to visit. Hope the end of 2012 leaves you and yours happy and prosperous while looking eagerly to next year and continued growth.

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