The weather worn wooden dock rocked gently in the creek's fluid current while our guide wrapped up his final instructions with some pertinent safety tips, "In the no-wake zone, stay 20 feet apart at all times. Once we leave the no-wake zone, keep 100 feet between yourself and everything else. There are hidden sandbars and oyster beds, so follow in my wake at all times."
We collectively mounted our assigned personal watercraft and familiarized ourselves with its various controls and buttons. After hooking the shut-off cord to our floatation vests, our slumbering high velocity watercraft were one by one gently nudged from their plastic cradles. After fully slipping into the warm, salty waters of the Intracoastal Waterway, I immediately depressed the start button. With my jet ski aroused to consciousness, I squeezed the throttle propelling it forward onto the first leg of an unbelievably riotous Waverunner Safari Adventure with Tidal Wave Water Sports.
Waverunner Safari Adventure takes you on a high velocity cruise through the intricate coastal waterways of Charleston's northern barrier islands. It begins at the docks of Tidal Wave Water Sports in the IOP Marina and proceeds up the Intracoastal Waterway. Once you leave the no-wake zone, you are turned loose to get a feel for your jet ski. For fifteen minutes, you can jump waves, spin out, pretty much do whatever you want as long as you maintain the 100 foot rule.
Several times my jet ski was launched skyward off the waves of passing larger vessels momentarily suspending me weightless in the air and once beneath the waves completely baptizing me in salt water. It was here I lost my hat.
After honing our skills, our guide took us full throttle 15 miles through the beautiful coastal waterways of Dewees and Capers Island to the tidal river of Price Inlet. It was here we beached our jet skis and for the next fifteen minutes, I let the beauty of Capers embrace me, sunk my grateful feet into its soft sands and happily allowed its soothing waters wash over me in full view of Bulls Island, my next planned excursion. Too quickly, it was time to depart the serenity of Capers.
For the final time, I mounted my jet ski, powered up and once clear of the shoreline, took off in a sudden burst of acceleration leaving a turbulent swathe of water behind me. Following in the playful and trick-filled wake of our guide for the next fifteen miles, we weaved in and around patches of sea grass and marshland until we entered the no-wake zone of the Intracoastal Waterway back to the IOP Marina and the Tidal Wave docks totally satisfied with a well spent 1 1/2 hours on a thrill ride cruising 30 miles through the unspoiled coastal waters of Charleston's northern barrier islands--unfortunately without my hat, forever lost in the waters of Seven Reaches.

On the safari, we were afforded the freedom to be daring as long as we stayed within the parameters of the earlier stated rules and used common sense related to each individuals skill level.
The jet skis were well maintained, the docks were organized. It is a tour I would gladly do again and highly recommend it to everyone, families and individuals, looking to put daily physical restraints aside and freeing oneself to experience something different and exciting. It was a blast.
As regards my hat, ten minutes after leaving the IOP Marina I received a phone call from the young lady at the counter informing me my hat was retrieved from the merciful waters of Seven Reaches--amazing.
Tickets: Single $119.00, Double $139.00
Drivers must be 16 years old, 18 years old with a passenger
Isle of Palms, SC
(843) 886-8456 69
41st Avenue
Isle of Palms, SC
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