I am going to try and come up with the right word to describe this hotel I am now writing about. Weird, quirky, brilliant, amusing, peculiar, idiosyncratic, and strange is what I come up with, but when I look at those words I realize just one isn't good enough. You will most likely come up with your own expletive. This hotel is only for the adventurous and hearty souls who throw caution to the wind. You will have to venture beyond our borders to a faraway land across the Atlantic Ocean where fairy tales and castles abound. The place is Berlin, Germany and the hotel is
Propeller Island City Lodge.
Now, I realize Germany may not be on everyone's list of places to visit, but it was worth a write just for entertainment itself. All rooms and objects in the hotel are the creation of the German artist Lars Stroschen who studied Visual Communications in Berlin Academy of Arts 1981-1987 and worked as a photographer and graphic designer. Stroschen swapped his camera for a microphone and started to collect noises and his recordings were published under the name Propeller Island. This pseudonym stems from a book written by Jules Verne at the end of the nineteenth century which describes an artificial island that travels with its inhabitants around the world.

The pseudonym and the idea of an artificial island that travels suits Propeller Island City Lodge and its rooms perfectly. Each room looks like it was plucked right out of your dreams, and maybe some of your nightmares. There are 30 in all, absolutely unique in every sense of the word, and give you the feeling of surrealness. The furnishings and other objects in the rooms are custom-made and an individual handiwork. I won't even attempt to describe what they look like, only a picture will do it justice. Two of the rooms are pictured here. For more pictures and descriptions click on hotel link. One of the rooms is to die for. All rooms are quoted in euros and according to today's quotes one euro equals 1.44300 dollars. Take a trip into the fanciful, if you dare, and if not, I hope you were entertained by this article. Presented by
Vacation Rick Travel.
1 comment:
I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I stayed at this place.
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