Much has been said about the Mayan calendar and much speculation as to what it means ranging from the preposterous to the ridiculous. Some fear and believe since the calendar is ending, the world will end with it. So, if the doomsdayers are to have their way you will need to keep your eyes on the skies. There is one belief a planet called Nibiru is going to collide with earth. Other scenarios include cosmic alignments, solar storms, a flip-flopping Earth, and other cosmic impacts the likes of which was depicted in the movie "Armageddon."
The last real world catastrophe recorded for posterity, according to Biblical chronology in 2370 B.C.E., was the Deluge, but the rainbow's appearance from time to time is God's assurance to all living things a world flood would never happen again. Why should the animals suffer because of man's failures. Besides, there is always the rapture, but I am not going there. People already had a field day on that one in the spring of this past year, which then became October, and nobody flew the coop.
NASA has assured us that nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen December 21, 2012 other than the winter soltice. Now, does that give you a warm fuzzy feeling and calm your fears? With the countries budget crisis moving into 2012, can NASA even assure us they will still be around after all is said and done? My theory on the whole matter of the Mayan calendar is the Mayan's never got a chance to carve out the next calendar because their civilization went extinct. So, there you have it.
Today, January 2, 2012, the sun is shining upon Charleston in more ways than one. "If you build it they will come." Charleston has built a superior reputation for being the most hospitable and appealing city in the country, at least with the folks at Conde Nast Traveler. It was voted the number place of choice to visit going into 2012. The top events are already set in place on the calendar.

This August 9-12 the strongest field in major championship golf will descend upon the Charleston area for the 94th PGA Championship. The Kiawah Island Golf Resort will host the championship with its famed Ocean Course center stage. The 2012 Championship has seen the most successful presale in PGA history, which is both a testament to the popularity of golf in South Carolina and the level of excitement people have throughout the state. It is estimated the 2012 PGA Championship will bring more than 50,000 visitors to South Carolina with an economic impact of more than $92 million.
If you would like to purchase grounds tickets there are some available for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so purchase them now here. If you would like to volunteer there are a limited amount of positions left, 75 per cent have already been filled, volunteer here.
I am going to make a prediction. When December of this year finally does arrive, that is if the world doesn't end before then, there will more than likely be a slew of Mayan calendar doomsday parties. After all, it tis the season to be jolly. Wow, just imagine, if the Earth should flip-flop that means the North Pole will become the South Pole and vica versa. We would then be in the Southern Hemisphere. Well, it's all relative anyway.
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