Sunday, January 13, 2019

Kayaking the Restless Edisto River With Edisto River Adventures--Excursion Number 3 In The Series

This time of year one never knows what kind of weather will greet them on the rise of each day's sun, and this day was no different. It was a brisk morning for kayaking on the longest free-flowing blackwater river in the nation with Edisto River Adventures and a hardy group of about 25 paddlers. An eight mile excursion on flood level waters, it was anything but a lazy trek down the ever restless Edisto.

The excursion participants met in Colleton State Park where hosts Earl and Julie of Edisto River Adventures greeted us with warm smiles and introductions were exchanged. Our group of five feasted on a breakfast package consisting of a cheese, bacon, and egg sandwich with an assortment of fruit provided by Brad Mallett of Coastal Coffee Roasters.

From there we drove to the launching point at Minnie Gruber Rumph Landing, unloaded the kayaks, and transported vehicles to the end point, Mars Old Field Landing. While we awaited the drivers return, we familiarized ourselves with fellow kayakers and shared some light chit-chat. After the drivers were shuttled back, our host guides shared important safety tips and instructions on what to do in case someone should happen to overturn in the fast moving, cool waters. Then, one by one we entered the river.

The current was tenacious and unyielding as we brushed past fallen trees and submerged obstacles. Although the natural colors of the surrounding vegetation were muted due to the overcast January sky, our brightly colored kayaks were unmistakably conspicuous navigating the twists and turns. Except for three vultures, the typical wildlife was eerily missing, perhaps tucked away for the moment in warmer fringes. A tranquil hush enveloped us like the low hanging branches we passed closely under in the narrow wooded corridors of an adjacent swamp called Indian Field. The scenery through the largest old-growth stands of tupelo-cypress in America was splendidly alluring from start to finish.
This is just one of a series of six paddles called Discover the Edisto River Canoe and Kayak Trail featured by Edisto River Adventures, each beginning where the other one left off. This was number 3. Sign in was at 7:30 am. If you need a kayak, rentals are $45. If you have your own, a donation of $10 is accepted to offset shuttle expense, for the entire series. I highly recommend you join us for the next paddle in the series.

Edisto River Adventures is a full service outfitter with kayak trips, tube trips, paddleboarding, camping, and guide services. Owners, Earl and Julie, are hospitable and accommodating. Their knowledge of the river is indispensable and vast. Their staff, Mary Bell and their son, are helpful and always available to assist you in whatever you need from the excursion's start to finish.

Edisto River Adventures' outpost is located approximately 2 miles down river from Givhans State Park at 153 Gator Walk Rd, Ridgeville. Contact number is 843-695-8146.

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