Monday, June 20, 2022

Summerville Celebrates 175 Years with Concert 175 and the BritBeats

The British are coming. The British are coming. No, it wasn't the American Revolution and Paul Revere, it was BritBeats and Steven Doniger of Summerville Dream, celebrating the town's 175th anniversary.

First inhabited in the late 1700s as Charlestonians and other inhabitants of the South Carolina Lowcountry sought respite from the summer heat, mosquitos, and disease, pioneer residents from the nearby former colonial settlement of Dorchester, who were descendants of 1696 puritans also took up residence on the pine-forested ridge. The railroad's arrival in the early 1800s led to the village's incorporation. Soon after, the summer retreat became an official town in 1847. Now, 175 years later, it was time to celebrate with a festival.

Concert 175 was the festival of festivals. Three music venues were setup throughout the historic downtown district to entertain shoppers, diners, and visitors in town to celebrate its illustrious history, one at Hutchinson Square, another at Short Central, and the main event stage on W. Richardson Ave. It all started at 2 pm and culminated at 7 pm with the largest crowd I have seen for a downtown event, all gathered on W. Richardson Ave for the premier show of the day.

BritBeats is a Beatles tribute band home-based in Chicago. Their nationally acclaimed Beatles concert, with costume changes and a spectacular, stunning, and immersive multimedia backdrop accompanied by a large screen, successfully entertained Summerville's celebrating residents. The musical group was engaging and definitely a crowd-pleaser. Attendees, young and older, sang and danced to the catalog of Beatles' songs that were performed with precision and uncanny realism by the talented foursome. They began the show dressed in black suits singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand, and ended it outfitted in psychedelic colors to the lyrics of Hey Jude.

Congratulations to Steven Doniger and the Dream Team for their hard work in organizing these kinds of events that highlight the great things Summerville has to offer its residents and visitors and for bringing people to the downtown district in support of the town's much appreciated local businesses. Enjoy the pictures. You may see yourself having a great time.

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