Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Montreux Bar and Grill Sweet Tea Cocktail Entry and a Bit of a Ghost Story

The drink pictured here is the offering by Montreux Bar and Grill for the Hold My Tea Bar Crawl Sweet Tea Cocktail Contest now under way and running to September 23. As a suggestion, when there for a visit during the Sweet Tea Festival all this week, keep an eye on your car keys. If Mischievous Monty thinks you had a bit too much to drink, he will steal your keys from you. And, if they should come up missing, don't take offense, he is doing it for your own good.

In case you didn't know, Mischievous Monty is the patron ghost story at the longtime local favorite Montreux Bar and Grill. The mischievous phantom is an unknown individual, who decided to make the building his permanent home. He has a mischievous reputation dating back many years.

The drink is called Lowcountry Royal-Tea by Leah Pippin. It is a recipe of 1.5 oz Nippitaty Gin, 5 oz Simple Syrup, 3 Lemon Slices, 4 Mint Leaves, and 3 oz Unsweet Tea.

The building was originally constructed circa 1862. It has housed generations of businesses during that time. It has even been said it was once part of Summerville's "red-light district." At that time, it was a boardinghouse and restaurant known as Miss Lucia's. Other businesses once located at this address include a dry goods store owned by Chalmers Waring (now that is a recognizable Summerville name), a store called Summerville Hardware belonging to Gene Hutson, a NAPA Auto Parts, and McGuire's Irish Pub.

When it was a NAPA Auto Parts store, on many occasions, it was said parts would be set aside for customers, and then when they would arrive to pick them up, the part would no longer be where it was placed. Employees claimed to hear footsteps where no one was walking. There would be sounds of things being dragged around in locations no one had access to.

When Montreux first opened, employees working in the grill section would clean the kitchen every night, only to return the next morning to find pots and pans moved around or rearranged. A bartender reported seeing a framed record album launching itself over glasses and bottles from the shelf it had been sitting on striking the bar and ricocheting back into the ice maker.

The general manager recounted one night while alone in the bar and locking up someone shouted in his ear. Another night, he witnessed a plastic caddy sitting on the bar taking off into the air on its own. Upon viewing the surveillance camera footage, he described what looked like a mist descended down onto the caddy in a rapid swooping motion and struck it.

Of course, these are all stories told by witnesses through the years who can offer no reasonable explanation for what they experienced in the building now called the Montreux Bar and Grill. Quite ironic, even the  bar's name is tied to the infamous "Smoke on the Water," a Deep Purple song commemorating the burning of the Montreux Casino on Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

Enjoy the festivities and Montreux's sweet tea cocktail entry for the sweetest week in Summerville, and just maybe, Mischievous Monty will pay a visit to your table or seat at the bar looking for your keys if you had a bit too much to drink, or gently whisper something into your ear, like, be a nice patron and leave a good tip, or else. Have fun and don't forget to cast your vote and get your free tee-shirt.

.127 W Richardson Ave., Summerville, SC

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You can read the full story about Monty in Bruce Orr's book Haunted Summerville, South Carolina.

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